This shift from running a software company to being a semi-retired full-time caregiver has been interesting. I'll say that much. I can feel my stir-crazy straining at the leash though.

Since I am almost never here, I may as well give an update.

I have quit the company and moved back to West Virginia to care, full-time, for my disabled and chronically ill mother. Goodbye savings. But it's worth it.

That said, I am off to the grocery store as dinner will not make itself.

Just seeing if Elon Musk bought this one yet,

Life has been busy. To say the least. Still is but I'm now taking time out to make an andouille sausage, jalapeno, egg, onion, cheese, pepper and salsa quesadilla. This will fuel the effort to find a way to slack off for a day.

Off to dice the tomatoes…


This is borderline passive aggressive.

One of my "betters" cried from their beachfront mansion, "The oceans are rising and I am at risk". "Would you like some sandbags or maybe a boat?", I asked. "No, I need you to eat bugs.", they said.

The acrid stench of error lingers but I am not sure which of us emitted it.

At any rate, I have updated this my status here and I am moving on.


I managed to do that, surprisingly.

Belated holiday wishes to everyone.

Infrequent visit commences.

YAY! A dark mode!

Visit concludes.

Oh I'm still around. Just busy.