Your idea is too appealing. Thus, I mute it.

The disaster recovery to-do list grows but the items are becoming more trivial. I guess this qualifies as victory.

I do respect that they have many layers to peel back in order to force a change in a hosted account like that. Such an inconvenience though.

Wow. Threatening to switch a company to Office365 hosting gets Google moving.

(Sale of company I walked away from fell through and the former almost buyer was not relinquishing admin on the Google stuff. I had to get involved. At this rate, I may as well buy the damned company or something)

Setting a work area up in the living room since I’m back in the maelstrom.

Laughing at attempts by the new now prior lead programmer to comprehend the codebase. The git log was amusing. Eventually, I brought the head back to the final commit I made before leaving.

Seeing that it is 3:10am, I should probably go to bed.

I torpedoed my career to return home and care for my disabled mother. On the eve of her funeral, I learned that the torpedo missed.

The bohemian in me wants to fire a full spread at it.

The practical side likes money and is fully aware that I am incapable of sitting around and doing nothing.

Long sigh

Message ends.

Got back from the funeral home. My mom's cat upstaged me in the obituary which, honestly, gave me the first good laugh I have had in weeks. It's so on-brand for our family.

That is a compulsion I will never be able to get rid of. Slapping Linux on anything with a processor.

Going from the soul crushing to the slightly annoying, I am being begged to save the company I walked away from to care for my mother full time.

I'm trying to think of a way to answer that request without using expletives.

After being rushed to the hospital via ambulance on December 15th, two emergency surgeries, entering a hospice unit on Thursday evening and succumbing to lung failure at 4:45pm Tuesday afternoon, I have two things to say.

  1. I love you, Mom. Someday, we'll meet again and I'll bring you a double cheeseburger.
  2. If you smoke, STOP! Her death was agonizing and horrific. It broke my heart to watch it.