A fifty year old Ford. A Ranchero based off the Fairlane chassis in 1967 with limited edition trim package.

…thank you very much :P

These are turning out beautifully.


Hmm. I'm thinking "Pink Floyd" today.

I used to listen to Dave and Caroline all the time (https://thebugcast.org). They've had it going ever since LiveJournal was "a thing". Very nice folks.

Need to catch up with it again. Used to get a lot of good bands on my radar from that podcast.

I'm not sure I like this.

When did weekends go from, "Drink a lot and party", to "Do our taxes and edge the driveway"?

@kdfrawg I just hope I get more of a heads up before massive changes are made to the law. I don't need a late nights rushing changes in a payroll module.

@kdfrawg Apparently, the IRS was totally silent on the change until very recently.

@kdfrawg …a down side to my, "If you discuss politics with me, I am throwing you out of my office/ignoring you on social media" policy, I guess.

@kdfrawg That was my first reaction. I'm not a CPA but I do write and support accounting software. Normally this stuff doesn't slip under my radar like that.