Screw picking up a burner laptop. I've went through a mountain of those things over the years.

After UPS gets here, I can lock the place up and go home.

From there, I am climbing in a Diamondback Explorer I left parked on a small, iron rich moon orbiting a ringed gas giant.

I should make Sagittarius A by midnight or so.

Then, I decide whether to head back towards occupied space or continue on to Beagle Point.

@kdfrawg The closest one here is in Knoxville and the traffic is horrible. Next option is Atlanta and I start transforming into the Hulk by the time I get to Marietta so that's out.

Have one of the old pre-Apple store resellers 25 miles away but they never stock fully equipped models.

Due to a lot of "I don't want to fool with this right now", I have not replaced my Air yet.

It is getting progressively flakier.

Going to have to bite the bullet and stop by Staples on the way home and buy a throwaway to work with over the weekend. grumble

I'd go to the Apple Store but it's an 86 miles drive. Big cup of NOPE.

@kdfrawg It's like kids on Christmas morning.

Yep. Say hello to Pope Wednesday.

It's funny how people gather around and watch an office where the decision is being made on how many days to take off for a holiday.

It's like we're electing a Pope.

What color is the smoke? What color is the smoke?

@kdfrawg I've been getting play-by-plays that I keep interrupting with, "I do not care".

Into the abyss!

I think Ann Coulter is what you get if you put Taylor Swift in a box with late night talk radio, douse it with vodka and shake it really hard.

Well, that's my deep thought for the day.

You're welcome.