Feeling a bit of guilt over a leisurely drive to the office along a country, two lane highway with the sunroof open and the music blaring while a former co-worker was probably stranded in a NYC subway terminal enjoying a Bangladesh sized crowd and the pungent aroma of Starbucks and urine.

Could, Not. Pay. Me. Enough.

It's only hard if there are a million and one places you'd rather be than behind a keyboard.

@kdfrawg There's a "mile wide - Inch deep" criticism attached to it. Billions of star systems with a small "bubble" where most of the game takes place.

I'm 15,000 light years from that bubble presently just exploring. It's relaxing and you don't have to deal with idiots shooting at you because they are bored.

Oculus is what I am looking at. Will need to beef up the power supply and graphics adapter first, though.

@kdfrawg Elite Dangerous.

Elite Dangerous. Looking around easily is possibly with TrackIR but the unit tends to overheat and flake out plus be fooled by light sources in my office.

Current Status: Chugging towards a Red Dwarf at 853 times the speed of light.

Seriously considering a VR system. TrackIR is proving flakey.

"Good God! What was I thinking back then? Who is this strange person?"


I found I preferred using nvm to download whatever version I need. Just a simple

nvm use v6.9.0
npm start --production > /tmp/ghost.log &

and off to the races.

Takes a bit to set up though. Especially for someone like me who never used node.js much before.
