once you get the desktop up and running, it's fine. I prefer its internals to Linux at this point.


Going through a similar situation. I hate my genetics sometimes. Hopefully it stops at this instead of going on to the colon cancer part.

@kdfrawg Yep. Borland's Pascal was the same way. Had many programs that were little more than containers for ASM blocks.


@kdfrawg Plenty of OOP Stupid Pet tricks you could do with structs and prototypes.


That is weird. Is there some sort of embedded thing going on I don't know about or some heavy low level Linux stuff?

@kdfrawg What makes it fascinating is that black holes, even though Einstein thought nature would never allow them, do exist and are where the current laws of physics hit their limits. It's a brick wall we can't really go beyond. There is something beyond it though. Has to be. Also, nothing is permanent. They have to die and that energy and mass has to go somewhere when they do.

@kdfrawg Always had a lot of respect for him. He deserves the Carl Sagan mantle more than anyone.

Part of me wishes I'd just stayed on course in college and got my PHd.

Pondering whether or not the infinitesimal spec of infinitely dense matter that exploded into our universe was but the death cycle of a black hole and figuring out the laws necessary to make it fit into physics as we know it now is sure a lot more interesting than saying, "Reboot your machine" or "It is on" to people all week.

@kdfrawg Distinct possibility.

Status: It's a balmy 96 degrees Fahrenheit and I am grouchy.