People are pouring into the area to watch the eclipse.

  • Schools are out.
  • A lot of state employees only working a half day.
  • We're being told to treat the roads as if there is a snow emergency. Traffic is that bad.

Half expecting to be told to bang on pots and pans to scare the dragon away from the sun or some such.

I suppose I will down the phone system and we'll go outside and watch the real event - State police ticketing everyone who ignores the flashing signs saying "Do not pull over to watch the eclipse"

Everyone needs more Godzilla movies.

@kdfrawg It's shameful.

I tend to gravitate towards them as well. In here, the Mac and Windows solar keyboards. Two Logitech mice and I believe my Windows system has a Logitech surround sound system. At work, I tend to ship their mice and keyboards. Also have a solar on my main development machine.

// @kdfrawg

I would have preferred she be able to use the 6000 to enjoy herself with though.

@kdfrawg It's absolutely insane how inflated the prices for simple equipment are. With the exception of a complicated valve, the pump unit is no more complicated than one you'd buy for a large aquarium.

If I wasn't around or hadn't the means to help her, I don't know what she'd do.

People going on about the health care system seem to ignore the real problem.

6000.00 for a small, battery powered oxygen pump. Ridiculous.

Note: Not for me. My mother. They kept declining it on Medicare so I just bought the damned thing for her.

Looks nasty.

@kdfrawg Personally, I'd like to see them invest more R&D time in the pro market than making incremental changes to peripherals that are nearly perfect to begin with.


Work calls much like my mother did when I didn't want to come home.

If I didn't have two servers that have to go out today, I'd just work from home and get something more useful accomplished.