@kdfrawg I was on course for either a Math or Physics professorship. When I realized I would feel like a caged animal, I quit before my PH.D.

Yep. This all-nighter means I will probably be leaving work early today.

Uncomfortable admission: I kind of like the way systemd handles services now that I have implemented several.

I wish IRC were fashionable again.

Fair cop.

$ ssh
$ sudo rm -rf /

Do it. It'll teach me a lesson in manners.

@kdfrawg That looks good.

Aug 15 21:12:44 localhost iserver: Info request (UDP) from
Aug 15 21:12:44 localhost iserver: Client from Connected
Aug 15 21:12:44 localhost iserver: Client from Client started for "gthom" (Microsoft  (build 9200))

All the things have been systemd sanitized.

About to change my career title to #ifdef engineer.

I hate multi-platform C++

@kdfrawg When releases are made, there's typically bland text there.


@kdfrawg As a ANSI BASIC program's complexity increases, you go from doing good things to committing heinous crimes.
