@matigo About the only thing, lately, gaining my attention is that Microsoft is releasing a Linux version of the Edge browser. I never thought something like that would happen.
“Study hard what interests you the most in the most undisciplined, irreverent and original manner possible." - Richard Feynman
Words I lived by at one point but have somehow forgotten along the way.
@matigo It's accounting software. I'd only cajole someone I didn't like into helping.
Putting off the inevitable. A deep hack period is coming. I'm going to wind up irritable and distracted for a month or two. On the plus side, I tend to drop 20 pounds when this happens as I tend to not eat that much. Just code.
Pot of coffee made. Yes, it is GMT -4 here. My body doesn't seem to care. It wanted cinnamon rolls. Now it wants coffee. Sleep seems to be the last thing it wants.
Random aside. Was never much of a console gamer but I recently grabbed a Nintendo Switch, What an impressive piece of hardware that thing is. Brilliantly designed. From the hardware to the OS itself.
@matigo I recall you saying there were no Fig Newtons there either. What kind of terrible place is this?