1286012d-79c7-468c-9100-0659b72289f1 I feel like I am at the drive in

"Open for extension. Closed for modification.", he mumbles to himself as he completely redoes a stupidly written class.

Sections of this mess were written when a co-developer and I stopped giving a shit and it shows.

Of course, I am the one stuck with it now. Thanks, Lawrence.

When you look at upcoming changes in your language/platform and see that a ton of code you just wrote would have been so much simpler that you have no choice but rewrite it…

I'm not used to anything from Microsoft evolving so quickly.

There's a bit of a learning curve to it to be sure. I was introduced to it when I was doing some IT work for a couple of Indian-owned businesses. They'd come in, bring a bunch of food, and watch. I was hooked shortly thereafter.


A very early morning of coffee and planning. Also celebrating the fact that the hotel has changed cable providers and their package includes Willow HD, which I was previously paying for online access.

Why they thought cricket was desirable in south-eastern Tennessee is anyone's guess. I'm happy though.

There are pieces to some projects that defy being made less Byzantine.

I've removed/redone roughly 800 lines of code today and gave it some much needed refactoring.

I need to be happy with this and move on.

It has become my go-to browser on Mac and Windows.


About the only thing, lately, gaining my attention is that Microsoft is releasing a Linux version of the Edge browser. I never thought something like that would happen.


“Study hard what interests you the most in the most undisciplined, irreverent and original manner possible." - Richard Feynman

Words I lived by at one point but have somehow forgotten along the way.

It's accounting software. I'd only cajole someone I didn't like into helping.
