Not sure how much of my paranoia is justified but I cannot get my mind off of trusted computing platforms.

Insomnia means I am at the office at 4:45am. With luck, the customer support gods will take pity and allow me to knock off early so I can drive the 30 miles home with my eyes open.

About the only thing that hasn't is the word kernel and the version numbering convention. The masochistic side of me is kind of looking forward to it.

The last time I customized a Linux kernel was in 2006.

Looking now at 4.0.18

Holy crap I have a lot of catching up to do.

In three days, the stay at home provisions will be lifted here. Thus will end the unexpected frenzy I have been working under.

How foolish I was to think things would be slow and that I would have adequate time to work on long range projects. I have been busier through this thing than I ever imagined possible.

Of course, on top of everything else, I am dealing with some hardware failure 800 miles from me. Due to the virus, shipping has moved from next day to "Whenever we can" so I'm kind of scrambling.

Dear diary,

2020 had me searching for masks for employees.

I did not see this coming.

PS: Masks were procured.

I'm one of those weirdo that drinks a half gallon or more of water a day.

The version of me from the not-so-distant past would play the virus paranoia to my advantage and stop showing up at the office.

cd me
git reset --hard HEAD~1

Thursday at the ol' salt mines.