Coming to the sad realization that I need to buy another Mac.

The Windows version of the software I use for writing and research has been in a Duke Nukem Forever sort of limbo for several years now. Another piece that is excellent for print formatting will never be on Windows.

Again presumes that I did that a first time

Looked like I was finally going to conquer my recent bout of insomnia. Then, the bookkeeper calls with an odd but not super serious issue and now I am wide awake again.

People have taken leave of their senses. Glad I am in a relatively sane area still.

Giving the world a bleary-eyed challenge, I prepare to drive to the office. Challenge is probably the wrong term. It’s more a grudging acknowledgment and maybe the flipping of the bird.

Sane is a relative term. ;) I'm doing fine. Just busy.

My exodus from social stuff has been very successful. And it came none too soon by appearances

Seems some things never change. I banished it from here well over a decade ago for the same reason.

A several mile walk to nowhere in particular today followed by a nicely chilled bourbon and some Skyrim.

I'd call this a very successful Saturday.

May Sunday follow in its footsteps.

You sound like me when we were, pre-Google maps, using Tiger census data to generate mapping data.

It drove home that data that came from civil servants was not to be trusted.