Was out on the back porch waiting for the storm to pass. Lightning struck a tree about a quarter mile from us. Heard the crack of the bolt before the thunder. We are now waiting inside

No but the fireworks have been a hassle. Major part of the storm hit just as I was preparing the big mortars

It’s not you. It happens to me on my win 10 machine at the office. Focus screws up. Home office pc works flawlessly. Go figure

The clouds came from the Gulf of Mexico but I don’t think that terminology applies. It’s pouring right now.

Trouble looms on the horizon.


I really need to play that and American Truck Simulator again.

Time to grab the staple gun and fix a section of the screened in back porch. Hate the thing (the guy who built it did a half-assed job) and will replace it eventually.

The variety pictured will reach 12' tall. They emerged from the ground on May 26th and are now kicking into overdrive. You can see the progress daily.

Know the feeling.

Sunflowers are fascinating. In less than two weeks, they’ll be taller than me.
