Kind of funny I am having to build a project on a outdated OS…one that sometimes communicates with even more outdated handheld hardware.

They'd better appreciate it.

My only interaction with Lion will be via secure shell. :)

*Pictured: code that builds PDB files.


screen shot 2018-08-15 at 10.48.05 am

That was yesterday for me. Hoping today doesn't follow suit.

Again…words cannot express. Thank you!

Houston, we have progress


screen shot 2018-08-15 at 5.51.22 am

You are a lifesaver. Gracious thanks.


Essentially, what I am needing to do is build an old legacy application to work under MacOS as a stopgap until the big project I am on is done. The code is too complex to bring forward.

I need to convert whatever medium to an ISO to be used to make a VirtualBox VM I can ssh into and perform the build. 10.6 is ideal, but hard to get to get the results to work properly under new releases of MacOS. 10.7, I can possibly make work. Just takes some diddling with the Metrowerks headers and hopefully only minor code changes.

I'd bring that code forward temporarily if it weren't 450,000+ lines long.


Mountain Lion seems the cut off now. I had it in the app store at one point. Now making sure I have multiple backups of everything else in case they pull this again. So annoying.


And…back to projects I can actually do something about. I know afterr being awake for 34 hours, five hours of sleep is not enough but I have soooo much to do.

Yeah. I just threw money at Apple to upgrade my developer account and all they have are the updates to the OS releases. Not the stupid installers. Earliest installer I can fine is Mountain Lion. I need 10.7…maybe…I'm having to build some code that is qt3 based and qt3 will not build on 10.8 or greater.

It's a stopgap measure.

if anyone wants to toss a OS X Lion dmg file on dropbox or something I would sure appreciate it. (Intel)

And with that, my all-nighter (last night) is over. I need to crash for a while.

Home is about the only place where I can code uninterrupted. Went to the office anyway to put the new build on our servers. Surprisingly, no bugs.