I only look at the business accounts and one private account. Beyond those, people are just screaming at the wind.

Not sure why this is a thing but here


They were the reason for the 12 hour cut off

Weeks of insomnia sort of evaporated after last night's bout.

Got to bed at roughly five am. Slept until five pm.

Was a bit irritated and grateful at/for Sidekick for not waking me up.

Hmmm… Something new has been added

Message from syslogd@rhel7 at Aug 11 00:24:16 …
 kernel:mce: [Hardware Error]: PROCESSOR 0:306c3 TIME 1533961456 SOCKET 0 APIC 4 microcode 24

All VMs now automatically launched headless on boot. The RHEL 5 and RHEL 6 ones anyway. Can launch all RHEL builds via ssh very easily.

VirtualBox didn't used to do this very well under Linux. They've obviously gotten a lot better at it.

Very pleased.

I'm downloaded some weird kernel code via ftp from some guy in Finland old. I didn't think anything would come of it.

I'm not what you would call a good judge of such things, obviously.

I honestly have no idea how old you are. It's one of those pieces of trivia I tend to ignore :)

To combat the earlier agism, I have installed glances. So there.

Get off my lawn.