I'm not sure if it is a result of growing up rural and poor but I cannot stop thinking like I am still in that situation. I can easily replace this laptop without a second thought yet my mind keeps saying, "Wipe and re-install. Don't waste it. You know where the keys are so the missing letters on the keycaps are pointless. Etc"

Years ago, Red Hat 8 branched off and added a lot of embedded scripting support to their GNOME desktop. Loved the idea. So easily customized.Then, they just abandoned it when Red Hat 9 came out. My time with Linux is filled with such false hope moments.

I've got MATE running on a RHEL 7 VM. I like where they are going with it. GNOME 3 and Unity give me hives.

The biggest problem I have with desktop Linux is the desktop. I spend more time trying to make them palatable than actually getting any work done. Been that way since they moved from GNOME 2 and KDE 3.5.

I was using the analogy more as a referral to communicating with the dead. Loved ADN but once you stop building it, it slowly wastes away.


Might be a fun weekend experiment.

It would be akin to Facebook cross-posting to MySpace or something.


Steve Austin, this thing aint. :) It has been flaky since the update to Yosemite. Add to that the natural decay of the battery. It's time to upgrade. This one will be re-installed and used on the workbench in my office or something.

*** Panic Report ***
panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff800edce6fa): Kernel trap at 0xffffff800ed4371b, type 14=page fault, registers:

This has been happening a lot lately. The old grey mare is going to have to be put aside soon.

I honestly think Twitter's worthwhile evolution stopped the moment they closed the API.
