My one year old nephew needs to steal his grandmother's phone and accidentally call me at work more often :)

@kdfrawg It left it's mark on people in a lot of ways. My grandmother would hoard food. The basement was filled with canned goods. When she passed away, we found cans of pie filling from the 1970s. They were easy to spot, being swelled round and all.

It's as shame but they never could get that thing properly shielded and keep it from overheating at the same time.

// @kdfrawg

@kdfrawg I liked the old TRS-80s.


Had an experimental computer later from a company called Syslink. It was about that size but had a plasma screen and an early 486-50. We called it the ECM pod because plugging it in would cause every TV in the vicinity to distort and snow up. They ever got the requisite approval to go to market because of that.

// @kdfrawg

Compaq IIIs were like having a gym membership. "Lemme grab my …urrrrgh…"


This, believe it or not, was my favorite machine for a while. Most people hated them though,,,,

// s-l1600.jpg

YEP! Sold them (In theory. Hardly anyone would buy them).

Used to lug one of these around…

// compaqiii.jpg

@kdfrawg If you have to micro-manage every aspect of your employee's life, you have hired the wrong employee.


Yeah. That sucks. I refuse to be "that boss" who treats employees like children. If they do things they aren't supposed to, we have "the talk". Seldom ever happens though.

// @kdfrawg