Of course, this sort of emergency always happens when an Apple event is streaming. From what I am hearing so far, it doesn't sound like I missed too much.

@kdfrawg The Hail Mary worked thank heavens. Got a dump of their data and a new system is on the way to them.

MySQL frm file could not be read at all from the disk. Thankfully, we were able to ftp another frm file straight into the directory and get a sql dump.

The difference is night and day. She is still prone to panic attacks but rolls with the punches a lot better. I think the fact that I've fought manic depression in the same manner since I was 16 helps. "This, too, will pass" is definitely the attitude to take when it hits.


In my wife's case, the drugs made her symptoms worse. She obsessively washed her hands until they were raw and would break out in full-blow panic attacks at the drop of a hat. After we weaned her off the meds, the obsessive compulsive stuff just vanished.


My wife's anxiety responded well to yoga. She's trying to get me to do it. I think she wants to see me get stuck and unable to untangle myself.


BRB. Going to fetch a virgin and a volcano. Anything to curry the favor of the gods and get a technician that knows how to navigate a DOS prompt, create a ZIP file and other things that I'm dumb enough to consider must have skills.

They all appear to have the same, corrupted frm. It's in a seldom accessed table that concerns taxing authorities (We do accounting software). I'm hoping that dropping an uncorrupted one in it's place will at least allow me to do a mysqldump of their data. (InnoDB, thank God. Means it's only holding structure information and no data)

Makes me nervous when a MySQL frm file suddenly becomes corrupted

I keep wanting to replace the battery in mine. Never get around to it
