If anyone solves your problem, they can take a whack at my, "Everyone thinks I am angry at them" problem.

I have spent the biggest part of my adult life hearing, "I always thought you didn't like or were angry with me.


Culinary disasters aside, it's been a good early AM.

I would have preferred going to bed but that obviously did not happen.

A very unfortunate accident.

For the love of all that's good and holy, NEVER absent-mindedly take a drink of bourbon after eating a Kit Kat bar.

I think the face I made permanently damaged it.

I can only imagine how long they'll drag out the 2038 bug.

I honestly did not know (nor am I surprised) that taxpayer money was still being wasted on this..


Everyone I encountered during the BBS era pronounced it "Jif" which always grated on my nerves to be honest.


You have to break 30 years of conditioning to stop people from pronouncing it, "Jif".

@kdfrawg I blame the Internet. The ability to quickly spout off things you'd never say to someone's face. Lack of consequences plus poor self control are a bad combination.


In an editor that allows you to easily collapse block you aren't working on, it seems of dubious value.

// @kdfrawg