@kdfrawg It was. Our generator is on the fritz so it was a mad dash to swap UPSs to keep the outward facing servers online while my cellphone was ringing off the hook from people telling me our phones weren't working.

Status: inexplicable power outage. No AC. No light. Blind and sweaty.

I've only had one of those thankfully. The lion's share of issues keeping me busy are far less annoying.

Hello 10c. Not dead or anything. Just very, very busy.

It's been like that in Tennessee and Georgia. Almost need a snow shovel to deal with pollen

I just give it a shrug of the shoulders and look at thinkpads

// @kdfrawg

A very heavily modded Skyrim install.

Sadly, it's the only Mac I truly like. Closest thing to a perfect laptop I have found.

// @kdfrawg

Plans for tonight.

  • Float in the sky and watch an entire city be ravaged as thousands of cheese wheels and exploding chickens rain down upon it.

  • Leave the survivors standing naked and possessionless in a ocean of flames, feathers and cheese - with buckets on their heads.

  • Dump their possessions at the feet of the beggar I intentionally spared.

  • Move onto the next town

  • Repeat process.

  • Revert to an old save after I have it out of my system.

  • Probably drink a tumbler of whiskey or two.

We all have our ays of coping with stressful days. This is mine.

@kdfrawg Options like "Plow through traffic jams in a tank" are sadly missing in real life.
