@kdfrawg Made the mistake of going on Twitter. People wishing for his death over the health care vote. Calling him a traitor.

Politics is one thing. Wishing death on a man who was tortured in the Hanoi Hilton is another.

Closed that tab in a hurry.

She is a DOLL!

@kdfrawg They can go from a slight vibration to totally ruining your week in the blink of an eye.


It is. It's also funny how something as simple as a noise can take you back over twenty years.

New Post: Friday Morning [eee-eye-eee.io]

Thanks. A combination of "I'm old" and "I never blog" erased it from my head.

Am I just stupid or is there no longer a way to log onto 10c itself and access the control panel?

There was. He went solo and that pretty much ended his and their heyday.

@kdfrawg I think some of it had to do with the fact that he didn't want to cover other people's songs and he wanted to do their own.

Staying bleeding edge stopped making sense to me when generations started being measured in weeks.
