I'm almost afraid to ask what the current terminal illness is.

The words outside of ours are slowly driving our elderly cat insane. Years of trying to get to them. Years of failure. Now she just lays there and chops at them all annoyed-like because she has trouble getting around.

Contestant number one draws the eye a lot more. The vivid colors I think

Seeing that "Click Here" in Japanese threw me for a loop, I don't know.


You win the "Worst Thursday" award. Congratulations.

Choose something original..Like Electronic Arts or something.


Because there are people who exist solely to make money off of that litigation.

The whole system needs an enema.

On the bright side, Sidekick and I are talking to a lawyer and coming up with plans of attack and defense if this trademark nonsense ever effects us.

I remember Steve Jobs..

"A stylus? Who want' a stylus? YUCK!"

Funny how things transpire.

The self-immolation of the indie author I mentioned earlier continues.

  • The law firm she claims represents her was surprised to learn it.
  • She is claiming trademark includes the font used and the license of the font's creator explicitly prohibits trademarking.
  • She has deleted her Facebook author page apparently.
  • She put out then deleted a rebuttal video that was painful to watch. This is a person who needs serious help. I feel sorry for her.
  • Romance Writers of America have retained a lawyer and are in the process of trying to have the trademark overturned as it should never have been issued to begin with.
  • Amazon, like YouTube, blindly accepts claims of infringement and pulls products the moment they get a letter. This has cost several authors countless thousands of dollars. Expect counter-suits.

As for the last item, this is a serious problem that needs addressed.

It's a big old can of worms that probably needed opened.