Cool beans.

Hmmph. Why can't I do tables here?

As if ..

Jumper Pins
Power LED 1-2
Power SW 3-4
HD LED 6-7
Reset 8-9

..were somehow too complicated.

That did have an image of the motherboard showing which blocks were which. shrug

I winged it. It's all good. My only complaint was a QR code pointing to a heavily re-directed nightmare rather than a simple table in the manual was idiotic.

ASUS, I have a bone to pick with you.

Your motherboard manual omitted the only reason I needed it - pin settings for the front panel connectors since they weren't silk screened onto the board itself.

You printed a QR code instead. It resolved to this URL

..which featured buttons labeled in what I am assuming is Japanese.
..which failed to display the PDF.

The Indonesian Olympic Hockey Team has a storied history.

The following entry:

May  8 07:44:38 largo sshd[1908]: Invalid user pucky from

has toggled blocking for for a duration of 60 minutes.

I have no idea who "pucky" is but he/she/it tried his/her/it's level best to get in.

Is "pucky" a common Indonesian name?

Not post-Napster.

Mine is nothing like that nor will ever be published. :D

We are paragons of sanity compared to authors. Trust me.