I can only imagine bricking my phone or laptop, being away at the office and having a customer with branches in five states suddenly fail to do payroll and need my help NOW.


I miss being able to go bleeding edge like that. Unfortunately, I'm stuck running a company with my gadgets. It's a bummer.


@kdfrawg When you stop and think about it, most software did on DOS. Some of the stuff I wrote actually replaced large chunks of DOS itself.

It's n era I remember with much fondness but would go postal if you made me go back to it.

@kdfrawg The sad thing about Norton is their DOS products were pretty good.

@kdfrawg I actually get a lot of planning done during the drive. It's when I get here that things go south.


A lot of questions there with no good answers.

I speak of the vocal supporters who were alive and aware back then and there are so many.

// @kdfrawg

9:32am. My soul is about to be crushed by 30 miles of rural highway and nine hours of the office.

@kdfrawg I had the bulletproof myth shattered in dramatic fashion.
