That looks so much like torture. I need to save that for the next time someone asks, "If you had something to take care of in New Orleans, why did you leave at 02:00 and drive there instead of hop a quick flight?"

Wouldn't they render the turtle pointless?

// @kdfrawg

I've yet to hear an adequate explanation of how a round world doesn't simply roll off the back of the turtle.

// @kdfrawg

Dear random technician working for a customer,

Texting me a question on a Saturday morning then texting the equivalent of "Why have you not responded to me yet" less than a minute later is very bad idea.

As long as your product isn't a hand grenade, documentation that mostly consists of the word, "Whoops", is commendable.

It encourages the adventurous to make interesting mistakes.

// @schiffey

Oh happy friggin day!

If it works, it will enable me to do wondrous things with our tax formula parser. We've been stuck on v2 forever.

With head bobbing to Iron Maiden - Fear of the Dark, I survey the weekend before me.

That's definitely not unique to Europe. I lost count of the people who thought I was insane for walking away from that job with no plan other than, "Drive west. Stop, eat, sleep, continue"

I paid a financial price for it to be sure but I learned there were far more important things in life and that to find them you sometimes have to take big risks.


That's always a fun way to do it. I quit ComputerLand corporate, drove halfway across the US, wound up in Oklahoma, hung out with a childhood friend then became a corrections officer/patrol deputy for a while.

Life is worthless without a little adventure.


Well said.
