I've had an account (long abandoned) since 2001. Back when it was an invite only affair. Some interesting communities sprang from it. The early podcast and audio fiction pioneers (Tee Morris, Mur Lafferty, etc) were very active.


I think it's an interesting experiment to try,


Believe it or not, LiveJournal experimented with audio posts back in 2003-2004 (Somewhere around there). I only made one then got annoyed by all of the , "Geeze you have a deep voice." comments.

If memory serves, you did them via phone call.


I bet that is one absorbent dog.

That sounds interesting, actually.


In the US, there was an entire culture that sprang up in the mid 1970s when those Citizen's Band radios became available. So many people had them in their cars and homes. They use the same frequencies as walkie talkies in most cases (Assuming you had that band of crystal plugged in) I had a pair of Midland Walkie Talkies with four channels. Wish I still had them.


I was a tad earlier. 1967.


The bank brings out the worst in me too.

It sounds like our upbringing had some similarities.


That's quite extensive. I had no idea Australia had such a monument.