Hopefully, the end result is going to be a streamlined build, test and bug reporting environment that won't make people I bring into the project go all "Deer in headlights" on me.

All of this work to eliminate building platforms might strike some as silly but keep in mind I have been juggling three versions of Visual Studio, Metrowerks CodeWarrior, and a massive Linux/Autotools monstrosity for years.

It just makes sense to me to eliminate the energy expended on that mess and apply it where it belongs - The damned code.

Had to move it back over to Metrowerks eventually because juggling the sheer number of code segments in that project became a juggling chainsaws thing. Also had to resort to assembly in a few spots. Was just easier to do that under Metrowerks.

The only real headache I had was during the period I moved everything over to Linux for the build using an ugly cross platform fork of gcc known as prc-tools. There was no Linux binary of the scanner library. A Symbol engineer was nice enough to rectify that for me. It was an amazing community while it lasted.

Since I am eliminating Linux from the equation for the forseeable future, this gives me a chance to try WIX for installer generation.

Our old Windows installer was actually built under the Linux build tree with NSIS under wine. Had the NSI file files generated directly from configure. Don't judge. It made perfect sense at the time

Symbol SPT-1500/SPT-1800 bar code scanning units and Visor Handsprings with CSM-150 scanner modules.

My earlier build headaches with QT had a simpler solution..grumble…grabbed the 5.7 build directly from git. Much smoother.

I am 99.99 percent of the way there. Only one thing left to port until VS2012 and VS2013 can be eliminated. Mostly ancient in-house utilities written under .NET 2.

This will leave me with only VS2015 and a virtual machine running Metrowerks CodeWarrior 8.0 for the Palm app that a few people refuse to leave behind.

This is the time of the early AM that I get irritable. In a few hours, I have to go to the office thus destroying any hope of progress until Friday comes around again.

I really like this so far. Sad that it escaped my notice.