I've sent another blog on a journey to neglect and death.


Actually, I might keep up with this one for a while. Digging Ghost a lot.

My life's dream in four panels.

[fortunebot@gateway ~]$ crontab -l
#*/15 * * * * /home/fortunebot/bin/tellfortune.sh
#0 8 * * * /home/fortunebot/bin/playlotto.sh

Goodnight sweet prince

@kdfrawg I should probably disable the cron entry and bid adieu to fortunebot.

@kdfrawg I got a couple of productive hours in before the boss ambled in with the fubar'd phone. I'm hoping the trip to and from the doughnut place will give him enough time to get distracted by something else.

@kdfrawg Oh, it still functions. Just that Apple has disavowed it and I cannot replace it when it does croak.

"Why don't you go out and pick up doughnuts or something?" -- Last words spoken to boss before, hopefully, doughnuts arrive.

@kdfrawg A mash up of flat earth society and the patron saint of thieves?


Some lessons should be painful

@kdfrawg I need some analog things in my life to counteract this