Amazing how bureaucratic layers 99 times out of 100 can be pulled back to reveal poor product.

Correction: Pants, keys, copy Iso image to USB drive, driveway

Glad I remembered that

Okay. Procrastination was not on the to-do list. Pants. Car keys. Driveway. Now.

I like the way you think. Beat them senseless with the cudgels they've helpfully provided you.

The only way you could upset me is be another item on my to-do list.


I think the hardest thing I ever had to help move was organ from the late 1800s. Al together, it was about seven feet tall and the bellows assembly was very fragile. It took four people the better part of a day. Later, I was offered the chance to buy it. I passed.

I redeemed that a long time ago. Didn't even get the valuable coupons/gifts promised.

One last item..

  • Write code.


Keeps me off the streets I guess.

It's amazing that I don't snap at people on the Internet and real life.

Off to the shower. Going to have to go in at 04:00 if I expect to get most of that done today. Will be lucky to get home before dark.