

Excellent picture!

// @kdfrawg

Twice, I've had to slam on my brakes to avoid hitting people in parking lots doing it.


I do know they didn't blindly walk in front of ox carts while chasing Pokémon.

It seems as technology advances, etiquette retreats.

Screw it. I'm not leaving the house until 08:30.This boredom thing bears further investigation.

Part of me is still resisting doing stuff and things. It seems to enjoy the boredom.

This is why I seldom take vacations.

I'm still more at home in a Bourne shell than anywhere else.

I've yet to use it's git integration. I still do it all from the git command line environment. From the sounds of things, I should continue doing this.

When my boss went on about how, "Those stations you're using are fine", I replaced his office computer with one, ordered parts for new development systems and he never said another word :D