@streakmachine I could think of worse henchmen to have.
Reading riveting word count updates from Sidekick. She's in "prolific mode" again.
Now watching OnyX render my Air all but unusable for the next 45 minutes or so.
@streakmachine Ordered as in, "Please send me a squirrel" , or ordered as in, "Hey, squirrel, go over there and do this then do that."?
Okay. everything that should be in the Dropbox folder is in the Dropbox folder now and is where it should be.
Since this Air is teetering on the edge of being 'full', I may as well do some spring cleaning on the drive. Already zapped 10 gigs of stuff (Old Android and QT dev crap).
@joeo10 No. The old 'Public' folder is still there but it's empty and I haven't used it in forever. I generally share with Google Drive.
Correction. Dropbox has arbitrarily merged a couple of folders.
Still not happy.
@matigo And as luck would have it, I just pulled a load of towels out of the dryer.