@streakmachine A worthwhile pursuit. I've got most of the Ultraman episodes on DVD
Why do I not have a digital copy of 'Breakfast in America' ??
Need to rectify that before I go into the office today.
@matigo Don't think it was an automotive accident because the sirens would have been heard. However, it did lock up the brakes for some reason. Rather scary.
I hope the train I heard I heard slamming on it's brakes until what sounds like a brake line exploding..then backing up a small distance doesn't mean what I think it means.
Listening for distant sirens now.
@joanna I do. One's building is under water. The other does not know what damage they have yet. Some in the Western portions of Louisiana have battened down the hatches and time will tell since only some of the area is experiencing flooding.
@joanna Good to know you're okay!
// @phoneboy @sumudu @indigo @ukhaiku @mrshaiku @kdfrawg @joeo10
@phoneboy But…but…that's the time no-one interrupts you and you get so much done! And you can to it in your BVDs. With liquor.
// @matigo