@kdfrawg It was that and carrying bags of sakrete down to the basement so I can finish the French drain the builder neglected to finish (Open, gravel filled trenches in the floor. Going to cement them over to keep the moisture confined to the sump.)

Like the cafe mocha layout so far :)

Some of the gaming communities are okay. They go through occasional bouts of vitriol and entitlement but they eventually pass.

"I work for litigious twats", tends to have negative career side effects, yes.

Not really. I can scarf a burrito and a few cups of coffee and keep moving. :)

Then we only get a limited number of steps before we have to sit at the side of the road and be carried back to the charging station.

Feeling abnormally sluggish this morning. If I didn't have ten million things to do at the office today, I'd stay at the house and recharge.

@kdfrawg Doing a complete engine rebuild solo and without a crane is something I miss. I loved working on the old Beetles. Never had the chance to work on a Corvair.

@kdfrawg If put VE Beetles into that category too. The new ones - not the indestructible air cooled ones

I was on there long enough to see if Ronnie and Shawna were okay (Las Vegas). I have no intention of loading it again. It does something to people. Makes them insufferable.