Workout completed a while ago. Carried an ancient, 75 pound, Trinitron monitor up a flight of steep steps and placed it in storage. Like the whiteboard, it was one of those things I put off doing for years. It used to sit on my workbench. It has been replaced with an old LCD display.

Have the remnants of a pot roast to finish off this evening. Potatoes, carrots, mushrooms and celery included.

Since my brain refuses to shut off long enough to allow me a nap, I must punish it by leaving for the office at 3:00 AM.

That does sound good now that you mention it.

2:02 AM and I have knocked off four things on my to-do list. By 5:00 PM, I'm going to be baked.

HA! When I bought the thing, Linux wasn't even on my radar. I guess I should go ahead and grab that thing now that I am running another Linux box.

Still surprising that it didn't work. Linux has become so good at hardware detection.

This one.

Worked without drivers on both Mac and Windows so go figure.

Unfortunately, Ubuntu does not recognize the USB wireless network adaptor so I get to lug it to the office to finish setting it up.

I had always erred on the side of conservatism where distros are concerned since we had so many small servers and workstations out there onsite. Only reason I stuck it out with RedHat. We had an Ubuntu experiment that was less than satisfactory. Customers hated it. But…since I have all but phased that sort of thing out, it is no longer an issue.

By the time all is said and done, you'll be able to run our stuff on a Chromebook if you so choose. I like the thoughts of that.

Watching a Twit.Tv thing for the first time in years. Rather surprised it is still around.

Edit: Wow. Only three hosts left. Far cry from having Sarah Lane, Tom Merritt and all the others.