@matigo That's okay. I view it as punishment for rattling off lyrics to Jive Talkin' to the receptionist and getting it stuck in her head a few weeks about.
Biting back my disdain of cloud storage and utilizing OneDrive folders for documents between three systems.
The look of shock on people's faces when I show up at the office early is priceless.
Day started in the mid 40s. Now in the high sixties. Windows open. Enjoying a nice breeze, working on a customer issue and watching Talladega.
@phoneboy I don't think jogging will ever happen for me again. Stupid hip, knees and foot.
@matigo I've yet to experience that. Even with dishpan hands, the sensor on my laptop and iPhone still function.
Begnning a new chapter of my life.
Sidekick and I are divorcing (amicably).
Now in an extended stay business thing until a suitable house closer to the office comes available.