As a insomniac, I seldom say goodnight to people. Because, frankly, I don't know if I am giving them misinformation.

Like a perennially bad sports team saying, "We're going to win the pennant this year. For the fans".

I just think it's better that I drag my butt out to the field and lose without any of that nonsense.

First iOS 13 snafu experienced. Notes was no longer an option under iCloud sync. Lost access to all of them. Had to restart phone to re-enable them.

iOS 13 not annoying me yet. Dark mode is nice. Review ends.

Have added full touch support to newest release. It's stupid. An ergonomic disaster. But, if I do not, people will complain.

They will gleefully touch on-screen controls until their arms get tired then go back to using the software the proper way.

I would dearly love to know how I got on the Nashville Chamber of Commerce's mailing list.

The three-finger up-swipe to choose desktop spaces in Windows 10 is one thing that makes the transition from MacOS a lot easier.

Early morning at office. Attempt at abnormal productivity levels begins. Failure fully anticipated. I've years of anecdotal evidence to back that suspicion up.



Hmmm. I think it's kind of quaint that you have to jump through a few hoops to sign up. Makes the place stand out in the crowd ya know? :D


When I look at the Democratic Party now, I see my grandmother.

She used to test the readiness of spaghetti by flinging it onto the hardwood paneling in the kitchen. If it stuck, it was done.

Essentially, there's three years worth of pasta on the floor and we should probably order a pizza.

This is beyond ridiculous.

And, with that, I conclude this very, very rare political post.