I was the same way. Still not overly fond of chicken a half century and change later.


Enough of those to make National Geographic look pale by comparison.

The worst are now resolved.


Over time I have removed MacOS from my workflow in lieu of things that worked better for me and seemed to be on a sane(ish) trajectory.

But, it always made a great media hub.

Now that they have eliminated iTunes, ushered in Apple Music and thus broke the iOS iTunes Remote app, it's not even that anymore.

Is it just me or are the MacOS update follies getting worse with each iteration?

Having to drop to the console, wrangle daemons and delete settings from ~/Library is more than a little ridiculous.

Starting to think updating to Catalina wasn’t such a hot idea

Decided to treat myself for surviving an emotionally and physically draining week.


Exponentially less so.


The contrast between this Saturday and the last could not be more pronounced

Oh most definitely. Fortunately, I have a high tollerance for the stuff. Irish genes I guess. And everything is in moderation. Even so, I am going nowhere for the rest of the evening.



Yeah. It's pretty strong. It goes down as smoothly as 80 proof so you have to be careful. "Why is my nose numb? Oh!".

