@matigo A lot of strategic planning goes into this.
@streakmachine I do not look forward to merging all of that back together under one corporation.
Why are you up at 3:00AM, Tom?
Well, we have this customer who wanted a custom logo added to their forms. Normally not a big deal. Inject the image source and header into the company database and done.
I did that. No logo. Tried everything I could think of. No logo.
It dawned on me at 2:30AM, in bed, that the logo name is stored in the company table and there could be more than one entry as each division in a large company can have it's own.
This is a five man outfit in Bumble, Virginia. Not exactly a multilevel corporation.
I check anyway.
Later today, I will call them and ask why they split a simple, five man lawn care company into TWENTY TWO SEPARATE DIVISIONS.
I'm going to have to give an impromptu, "This is how this works", lesson and merge the mess back together, aren't I?
@jussipekonen C++ is a lot like a razor blade. Useful but dangerous if handled indiscriminately.
// @JeremyCherfas @hazardwarning @jws @kdfrawg