@kdfrawg Now looking at a WinDbg log of a workstation that crashes to desktop when they try to print something.
00001741 15.67102909 [1616] SELECT h.route,h.slsmn,h.ctype,h.svcdate,x.descr,h.charge,COALESCE(o.transamt, h.charge) AS invcamt,h.svctype,CONCATWS(', ',c.last,c.first) AS cname,p.address2,h.invoice,h.custacct,h.division,h.notes,p.custloc,h.euserid,CONCATWS(' ',p.city,p.state,p.zip),p.pid,c.acct,p.address1,p.city,p.state,p.zip FROM arhist AS h LEFT JOIN customers AS c ON c.acct=h.custacct LEFT JOIN properties AS p ON p.pid=h.pid LEFT JOIN aropen AS o ON o.invkey=h.invoice LEFT JOIN routes AS x ON x.code=h.route WHERE (h.svcdate BETWEEN CAST('2017-08-01' AS DATE) AND CAST('2017-08-31' AS DATE)) AND h.ctype IN (0,1,2,3) ORDER BY h.route,h.ctype,h.svcdate;
00001742 15.67105579 [1616]
It doesn't even have time to register an exception. The blank line of output after the database query precedes the output of the connection to the Windows print spooler that never comes.
It's an ancient Windows XP box so the correct solution is "take it to a dumpster and buy another one" but they are resisting this.
// @nitinkhanna