@matigo See ya on the flip side, CMNDR O7
Wait…wrong forum. Never mind.
@matigo Sounds very familiar. Like something a certain company did after 1995.
Okay, to be fair, Microsoft was always like that. Our CEO still rails about getting into an argument with Paul Allen over a bug in Microsoft Assembler 1.0 they refused to address. Yes, they were that small once. You could indeed get Paul Allen and others on the phone. Never Bill Gates though.
@matigo I think, for me, it's the lack of daylight. I've always been a night person. Also prefer the cold to the warm. Apart from driving alongside southerners, I miss heavy snows.
// @nitinkhanna
@matigo I consider what Apple did there to be irresponsible. Then again, that's a common theme with developers anymore.
@matigo It's not outside the realm of possibility that an un-updated app is the culprit. Something I intend to look into today.
@matigo I've been dealing with it since the early-mid 80s. It's to the point I time my projects and milestones to coincide with the upswing/manic phase. Also get most of my very cerebral stuff done over the winter because, opposite of most people, my mood elevates over the winter months. The worst downswings happen in summer.
// @nitinkhanna
@ukhaiku Apart from here and @33mhz's project, social media has been a little too toxic to indulge in.
Watching the CEO slowly succumb to cancer has hit me like a sledgehammer.
Just emotionally smashed. Defeated.
I'm used to carrying a lot of loads on my shoulders but this one is very, very heavy.
@matigo The only oddball latency I noticed was shortly after the initial restart. Of course, that’s always the case. Once things settled down, it zips along quite nicely. I’m not disappointed