Clearing accumulated stupidity and bad ideas. That’s right. I am cleaning out the development folder on my Air.
@sumudu I’m waiting for something horrible to happen. Updating several servers and my Mac at once. This explains my part of the silence. Trying not to get fate’s attention
Naturally, some of the ports in macports will not build. I'll look at the logs later.
Hmmm. gcc is reporting the right version of clang (9.0) and all the other command line stuff is there.
However, the tcl script to restore ports is complaining that the command line tools are not installed. Stuff appears to be building regardless so..let it complain.
Installers that place ‘Always on top’ dialogs over every active workspace annoy the Hell out of me
Operetta:~ twilson$ sudo xcode-select --install
Operetta:~ twilson$ sudo ./restore_ports.tcl myports.txt
This ought to eat the rest of the afternoon up. Ungodly number of ports
@literary The last person to tow a car for me, other than the company mechanic, couldn't keep his pants up and looked like he had a distant/strained relationship with soap and water.
So far, MacOS High Sierra has not given me any nasty surprises.
Error: The installed version of Xcode (7.3.1) is too old to use on the installed OS version. Version 8.2.1 or later is recommended on Mac OS X 10.13.
I guess it's time to correct that bit of negligence, though.
This post coming to you, live, from a freshly updated Air.
If it has lunched itself, it has yet to reveal it.
@phoneboy With the backlight on. It certainly does. The black is being worn off them.Not sure why the E key took the brunt of it.