@kdfrawg It started with this conversation..
"We finished the Hillary Clinton"
"I have some bad news for you…"

First person I thought of when I saw that. Almost a dead ringer.

Or Jon Voight,

The boards on the things are hand-soldered. This is a drawback as it means they can be repaired with a soldering iron instead of thrown off a cliff.

I keep hoping for a new phone system. My phone was made the year I graduated high school.

This might not seem like that big of a deal but it is since I am 50 years old.

I’ve heard a lot of people express dissatisfaction over Patreon lately

@kdfrawg We has a very adversarial relationship for a number of years that only worked because we were damned good at what we did. Over time, it evolved into a father/son dynamic. It makes this very painful

@kdfrawg Can’t help but think things would be a little better had we not started attacking certain mores and protocols 50 years ago.


@kdfrawg means we have to value what time is left and be strong for him as he grows weaker.

@kdfrawg I call this one “Meh”
