The bigger the frenzy the bigger the risk of lawsuits. Brings the scammers out of the woodwork. It’s a very real concern. Whether or not it’s how it should be is irrelevant as that’s how it is.

// @kdfrawg

@kdfrawg The sexual politics stuff is having a backlash. My customers are companies and female hires are being viewed as a liability. No bueno.


Looks to be a congenital heart defect of some sort.

At office Christmas party. Normal dread (not a fan of after hours stuff) replaced with melancholy since CEO’s cancer diagnosis.

Highly likely it will be his last.

The teenaged son of a friend I met many years ago on LiveJournal has passed away. How horrible.

@kdfrawg Not enough going on to embellish it further. Well, there is but nothing worth getting into.

Not dead yet.
Update concludes.

@kdfrawg He’s okay. Just going to have to take turns taking him to and from the treatments

First serious side effect of boss’s chemotherapy


@kdfrawg The literal one, yes. The figurative one is just getting started.