That sounds pretty good. I haven't had that in forever.

We've been at it for a couple of years now. Been slow since the CEO was diagnosed with cancer. We only fool with it now when he feels up to it.

// @kdfrawg

@kdfrawg It breaks my heart when people do that.

@kdfrawg Did mnage to get it on properly. Now, we move on to the other side :)

photo nov 15, 10 17 13 am

@kdfrawg Not sure if you remember what those were like but they are largish metal jobs with large springs to holt the trim in place. Getting those springs to "catch" is a bear on some pieces.

@kdfrawg Very annoying ones. Reaear quarter went well. That particular piece is hard to get flush.

This reminds me..I need to catch up on old footage on Willow TV I missed. Thanks.

Thinking we could save a lot of irritation by replacing the orange tape with clear and calling it a day.


@kdfrawg As far as snapshots of humanity are concerned, you'd struggle to find a less flattering one.


  • Load Twitter for first time in forever.
  • See wall-to-wall sexual allegations.
  • See something about smashing appliances.
  • Dog piling on the Clintons.
  • Close Twitter.

No wonder people there are so miserable and insufferable.

*Sips coffee and vows not to go back until spring.