Looks like the final hard freezes will be occurring this week. Yay
@whoisashygirl I have a series of Virtualbox VMs for varieties of Windows and Linux builds that work beautifully for testing/developing/using software. Best part is that it's free and remarkably easy to use.
@matigo And here I was sulking because, "Jason just sent me an unpersonalized email" :P
@matigo They seem to have the "One OS to rule them all" mentality going on still. I can see why the whale is being chased from a codebase perspective.
@matigo Steam does nothing to address the architectural mess that X11 is. I'm still surprised the NVidia's propriety drivers are being developed since they have to replace large chunks of that stack to eek out the performance they give.
// @streakmachine
@streakmachine Apple had a chance at capturing that market but went for Intel video instead for battery concerns. A shame but I can't blame them.
With X11, Linux never really had a chance. Yes, it can be made to work but Jesus what a mess it is.
// @matigo
@matigo I can sympathize with that. I still do the lion's share of code/ebook editing on Linux or Mac. I am veering more towards the former anymore.
Windows only runs native to game on. It's the only use I have for it. Only things it's really good for.
@matigo That has seemed a very stagnate space for a long time now. Could indeed stand to be shaken up a bit.
// @sumudu