Friday plans: Eye doctor appointment then probably take rest of day off to work on the herb garden and sunroom.

My blessing was discovering that if I transfer a call to line 4 then line six, the unit goes haywire and stops working until you power cycle it.

And, no, I have no intention of fixing it nor letting anyone else know about it.


I envy you for that. I can drive like I was on the Autobahn but it comes with severe penalties if caught.


In VR.


It's sacrilege but the next expensive system I buy will not be for purposes of work.


There are use cases for fast cars too. One does not seek excitement in a Prius :)


Dirt cheap / Inadequate. Overpriced / Suitable. Hardly anything in between.

Over the years, that has remained a constant.

Good grief. Every time I go back to Facebook (infrequent) it gets worse.

Wall to wall ads, quizzes, and the same articles shared ten million times.

Fortunately people can keep up with me on Skype.

I'll never cease to be amazed by game forums. I've yet to visit a one that didn't proclaim that the game was dying/being killed by the most current patch/will be killed by a toxic community/etc

I'm betting the answer is "not a lot"
