@matigo I liked 'Alive and Kicking' better. Mostly for the background singers.
@larand Now, now, now. I use old hard drives for that. The mini is a quad core intel i7 with 16 GB of Ram and in good shape. Uses almost no power. I’m sure something productive can be found
Was going to build a pfsense box but this thing is too danged cute to pass up.
Others look outside and see a beautiful, sunny morning. I see a evil ball of fire in the sky that's screaming, "Put on your pants and go to the office".
@JeremyCherfas I see app.net minus the poster and tee shirt.
// @matigo @larand
I fear I have created a monster with the XMPP server. Sidekick realized my phone goes boink every time she IMs me. She is on a mission to drive me insane