Okay. Time to move this code into git now that I have a project structure set in stone (ie: I know WTF I am doing now..sort of)

Switch over to the Mac because doing it on RHEL vbox via SSH was a dumb idea.

Add some cases to handle braindeath from Sidekick's HTML dumps from OpenOffice.

Locate page-break-before and page-break-after attributes for I can have the code split the source into separate files so I don't have to.

Another main class to make adjustments to content.opf and toc.ncx for the various ePubs.

Look into porting my C++ PalmDB classes over so I can do surgery on MOBIs

This is how you have fun when you have no life to speak of outside of work

FWIW, I'd do worse than Windows 7 if you had to teach me Japanese.

[twilson@largo bancomedia]$ java -jar WordBleach.jar Test.html
Loading Test.html…

Paragraphs found: (2315)
Deleting paragraph attributes
TODO: Apply styles via stylesheet

Span tags found: (2248)

Font tags found: (0)

Removing STYLES..

TODO: Insert linkref to stylesheet

Saving to output.html…

80 lines of code. This is so easy that I'm getting bored.

I'm in the too wired to sleep but too tired to think stage.

In the past, I've played with some of those tools. Powerful but more bug-prone and complicated than the code itself sometimes. Of course, a lot of that is me not being a Java whiz. I'm definitely a neophyte with this stuff.

Fortunately,I don't need Maven, Gradle and the rest of the stuff.

jar cvmf META-INF/MANIFEST.MF epubtools.jar com/bancomedia/epubtools/.class lib/.jar


We're almost there already.

// @skematica @kdfrawg

Flurry of responses concluded, our hero returns to his beloved command line after wasting precious time this evening re-discovering his unlove affair with IdeaJ.

Correction: IntelliJ. Brain fart on my end.

Imagine Linux moving onto cybernetics.

*Mom! Grandpa's frozen again!"
"Have you tried CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE?"
"Mom! Do something!"
"The paramedics only told me to RTFM."
"Hang on..The weird kid from next door is here. Mom? He asked if we are we using libgrampa-0.98 or greater and did we autoreconf before we built everything?"
"What the what with the what?!"
"Grandpa…Please speak to me…PLEASE"

Yeah. I don't care how cute and disarming the logos are or if everything is "Free as in beer". It needs to stay in the history books.

// @skematica @kdfrawg

Maybe it was telling us we were talking too much while we were at work.

// @kdfrawg