Time to kiss Verizon goodbye. Been texting a lot with Sidekick. Almost 500.00. Ridiculous.
@kdfrawg I guess so. I just like to have a reason of some sort to put my finger on.
// @streakmachine
@kdfrawg This reminds me of something insane I saw years ago while driving through a very rural section of the state.
A trampoline. It was placed right at the edge of a sheer drop off of at least 100 feet.
I had this mental image of a hallway filled with children's school photos. Big red Xs through half of them.
// @streakmachine
@kdfrawg At least you have a reason you can put your finger on. One day, on a ladder, I suddenly had this mad urge to grab something and hold on for dear life. No rhyme or reason to it.
One of the jobs I had in college was window washing tall buildings. Place counterweights on a boom and go right off the side of a building on a platform. Thought nothing of it. The very idea terrifies me now.
// @streakmachine
@streakmachine The weird thing, with me, is I used to do a lot of rock climbing. Heights never bothered me at all. Now…I get nervous on a ladder.
@matigo True confession time: I would watch a Bollywood musical before sampling anything current from Hollywood. They're a guilty pleasure :)
@matigo From what I heard, it was nothing but a bunch of stale political jokes and posturing the entire evening. It's no wonder people stopped watching the things years ago.