With preview. And, believe it or not, that have a live preview plugin for vim. Some abomination that requires Node.js.

That was definitely worth an arched eyebrow.

Five minutes into looking for a good, cross-platrform Markdown editor that also supports Linux and I already have choice fatigue.

In Japan? Cool!

The only time I was in Canada and not on business was traveling, via car, to Alaska. Even though there wasn't much in the way of civilization on that end, I regret not stopping and taking what there was of it in.


I'm depressed that the very few occasions I've been in Canada, I was so rushed and busy that I couldn't take it in. Meet people. Like I did in other areas I travelled to


He puts an incredible amount of work into that


All that remains is my primary gmail address. Everything else gone. I’d say ‘feels good man’ but morons have appropriated that.

Your avi is quite the testament. Positive doesn't even begin to describe the results. Very happy for you.

You know…Instead of complaining about how long it is taking to download a 38GB game, I should reflect on the fact that it took upwards of 35 minutes to load Elite from a cassette.

Open world RPGs are like crack to me.